Pronunciation: vi·cin·i·ty [və sínnətee]
1. surrounding region: a neighborhood, or the surrounding region of a place Homes in the vicinity of the fire were evacuated.
2. proximity: an area near something else
3. approximation: an approximate amount
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-two restaurants in close vicinity.
-All unsupported bodies in the near vicinity of the earth fall
-The announcement coming from the mikes hanging at a railway station echoed entire vicinity and increased the chaos
-Which art galleries are in the vicinity of Heathrow Airport in London?
-Movie about a giant alligator that attacks people in the vicinity of a lake?
-What type of bedrock you can expect in the areas in the vicinity of Lake Ontario?
-When measuring a melting point why is it necessary to raise the tempeatre very slowly in the vicinity of the melting temperature?
-Is it possible to get a digital or electronic compass that is not affected by steel structures in its close vicinity?
-How do you disable an alarm that is continuously beeping on a 1989 Probe that seems to be coming from the vicinity of the Speed Alarm or Keyboard area above the stereo?
Link to search this word in various Dictionary:
- vicinity : Compact Oxford English Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : Encarta® World English Dictionary, North American Edition [home, info]
- vicinity : Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 11th Edition [home, info]
- vicinity : Cambridge International Dictionary of English [home, info]
- Vicinity : Wiktionary [home, info]
- vicinity : Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. [home, info]
- vicinity : The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus [home, info]
- vicinity : The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language [home, info]
- vicinity : Infoplease Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : [home, info]
- vicinity : Online Etymology Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : UltraLingua English Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : Cambridge Dictionary of American English [home, info]
- Vicinity : Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info]
- Vicinity : Online Plain Text English Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition [home, info]
- vicinity : Rhymezone [home, info]
- vicinity : Multi-Lingual Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : Webster's 1828 Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : Free Dictionary [home, info]
- vicinity : WordNet 1.7 Vocabulary Helper [home, info]
- vicinity : LookWAYup Translating Dictionary/Thesaurus [home, info]
- vicinity : Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info]
Related word:
pro·pin·qui·ty [prə píngkwətee]
Nearness--nearness in space, time, or relationship (formal)
The property of being close together
Proximity or nearness in character.
-Propinquity is one of the factors in having Window in the home.
-Should I dissemble your statements one upon one or allow you the propinquity to find the proper respect with which you could not find at your disposal?
-He has a propensity for overeating that is encouraged by a propinquity to tasty edibles.
There is a little-used adjective, "propinquitous," but not much else in the line of related words.
Proximity: [noun]
prox·im·i·ty [prok símmətee]
closeness: closeness in space or time
The property of being close together
The region close around a person or thing
-How do you handle working in close proximity with your ex and the friends at work who have taken sides?
-What is the name of the space between two neurons where the termination of the axon of the first neuron comes into close proximity with the dendrites of another?
Environs [noun]
en·vi·rons [in vrənz, in v ərnz]
- surrounding areas: the land or area surrounding a place
-the area in which something exists or lives
-the area surrounding a place, especially a town
Precincts: [noun]
pre·cinct [pr sìngkt]
1. electoral district: a small electoral district of a city or town, part of a ward
2. city area patrolled by police unit: a district of a city or town under a particular unit of the police force
3. police unit or station: the police unit or police station of a city or town district
4. U.K. special part of town: a part of a town designated for a particular use, especially an area accessible only to pedestrians or a purpose-built area containing many stores
a shopping precinct
5. boundary: a boundary marking out an area
6. A district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes
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